What's happening, and that the surgery of the varicose veins in the legs?

Treatment of varicose veins in the legs using the drug are not always a positive effect.

varicose veins surgery

In particular, it is difficult to cure varicose veins, when at an advanced stage. In this case, the surgery was the only option to eliminate the pathology.

For many people the operation is a terrible procedure, so they are a long time afraid to go to the doctor, relying on a form of home treatment. The disease continues to progress, the patient's condition is deteriorating.

Operation varicose veins of the lower limbs is assigned to the following circumstances:

  • if the vein is the saphenous increased due to physiological pathology;
  • if the disease is at an advanced stage, when the treatment of varicose veins medicines or folk remedies do not help;
  • the formation of trophic ulcers on the skin;
  • if violations occur, vascular blood flow, in which the patient's constant fatigue, quickly gets tired, feels pain, heaviness in the legs;
  • a acute thrombophlebitis;
  • if you have any nutritional skin lesions.

Some patients the surgery, varicose veins in the legs may be contraindicated. Barriers to surgical intervention:

  • high blood pressure;
  • a serious infectious disease;
  • the coronary artery disease;
  • the age of the patient (70 years);
  • skin diseases – eczema, erysipilatous inflammations, etc.;
  • the second half of pregnancy.
The surgery is the most effective, safe treatment option for varicose veins. An experienced doctor will be able to quickly remove the pathology, the patient returns to normal life, without suffering her disease.


The type of surgery depends on the individual characteristics of the disease. Certain types of operations, suitable for one person may not work for another. Before the surgery the doctor will examine the form of the disease, symptoms, complications likely.

varicose veins surgical treatment


The most time consuming, complex procedure associated with a high likelihood of complications of phlebectomy surgical removal of varicose veins. The doctor only in the case when other treatments are not able to express any favourable effect.

The process of this operation in the groin area of the patient to a small (3-5 mm) is cut, through which the affected vein ligated to the place where you empty the deep vein, then cut, and then pulled the leg using a special probe. After removing the veins, the cuts imposed absorbable sutures. The action is 1-2 hours, until the patient to the hospital less than a day, then go home.

Nice phlebectomies a procedure as mini-phlebectomy, where the body is not the cuts, stab wounds. This method allows you to operate with less injury to the skin, to reduce the period of rehabilitation.

Expoliantes another kind of surgical treatment of varicose veins. The of course, this procedure extracts all of Vienna not completely, but only in a part that was exposed to varicose expansion. The disassembly during the through holes in the skin, which avoids suturing.


Less traumatic method of surgical intervention is considered sclerotherapy. This lies in the fact that with the help of ultrasound determines the exact location of the dilated veins, to which a special substance (sclerosant). This material adhesives to the affected veins, preventing the blood flow to them. After the surgery, the patient's blood vessels formed scar tissue, reduce the edema. The patient will no longer feel difficulty, pain in the legs, if you've had ulcers, they'll heal quickly.

Sclerotherapy is of two types:

  1. Echo-sclerotherapy deduxit. This operation is used if the affected vein diameter reached 1 cm or more. First, the veins are examined with the help of a special device – a duplex scanner, then under their supervision made the puncture and the vein sclerosant. This procedure allows to reduce the diameter of the affected vessel and restore normal blood flow.
  2. Sclerosing foam. The safe, completely pain-free form of sclerotherapy. The affected vessels are injected with a special foam that fills and then stops the flow of blood inside the vessel.
The maximum effect usually multiple treatments sclerotherapy. Recurrence of varicose veins after this almost never happens.

Laser photocoagulation

varicose veins surgery, sclerotherapy

Surgical removal of the varicose veins in the leg veins by laser is considered the world's most technologically advanced in such a fight, the varicose veins will help to eliminate the abnormal dilatation in 90% of cases. During the procedure, the incisions tissue not made, which allows, to avoid cosmetic defects.

Through puncture of the skin type of laser light guide, which emits light waves. During the action, there is a cessation of the patient's vessel. This method has a low number of relapse – recurrence of varicose vein formation occurs in only 5% of patients.

Similar to laser coagulation treatment of varicose veins in the radio contritio. The essence of the method is to the effect that the patient's vein, a microwave to heat the ship, causing it to "weld". This treatment method is considered to be the most easy, pain-free. This can be applied in severe cases when the veins are large in size.

Possible consequences, status of the post-operative period

Almost all kinds of operations to eliminate the varicose veins in the legs, safely, because complications very rare cases.

The highest probability of severe complications leakage of the rehabilitation period occurs when phlebectomies. The area is remote vein may be bruises, cuts, sometimes bleeding, like other subordinates in the veins.

2-3 days after surgery, some patients may increase the temperature. This is due to sterile inflammation of the blood accumulates under the skin.

If the accumulated blood will be very much in the veins may form lumps, painful to the touch. If the skin of the knots acquired a reddish tone, then began the bacterial inflammation. In this case you will need urgent hospital treatment.

Other possible complications after surgery may include the following:

  • The numbness of the skin, the pain. Occur, if during the operation, damaged nerve endings. Over time, the pain ceases, the skin sensitivity is restored.
  • The bruises. Formed phlebectomies, since it's pretty traumatica operation. After a period of time, usually no more than a month to completely disappear. If minimally invasive treatment (laser varicose veins or blood clots), bruising almost never stay.
  • Swelling. They can appear when the patient should not be prescribed in the postoperative period – a lot of moves, don't wear special clothes, or exposed himself to great physical stress.

After the surgery, the patients will lead inactive lifestyle. Inactivity may occur to such a dangerous phenomenon of acute deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs. To prevent this, you need to do special exercises, nutrition, medications to prevent thrombosis.

varicose veins surgery laser photocoagulation

Rehabilitation after the removal of varicose veins of the lower limbs

Meets the doctor in the postoperative period is the most important part of treatment, prevention of recurrence of varicose veins. Most patients are encouraged to:

  1. Tightly bandaged the leg an elastic bandage.
  2. Wear special compression clothing – tights or stockings.
  3. Do not lift more than 10 kg first six months after surgery.
  4. Practice of moderate physical activity – Running, swimming, Cycling.
  5. The weight control if you have problems with overweight.
  6. Every year pass course admission venotonic drugs.
Within 3 days after the surgery, the patients are strictly prohibited to smoke, drink alcohol, sunbathe, lift weights, drive a car, and to take a hot bath.

When the pain in the operated leg can help a light massage, which is carried out independently.

Recommendations for the prevention of recurrence

Even if the operation to remove the varicose veins in the veins was carried out successfully, there is always a risk of the disease occurrence. To minimize the likelihood of a recurrence of, it must be noted that the preventive measures:

  • lead, active lifestyle, playing sports, often walk in the fresh air;
  • in a sitting position to ensure that the posture was smooth, that did not put one foot in front of the other, as it leads to violations of venous blood flow;
  • the fight obesity;
  • moderately consume coffee, tea;
  • every morning, finally gymnastics feet;
  • leaving too tight, narrow shoes and clothes.

Varicose veins are a disease, that even after a full course of treatment adherence requires a certain lifestyle.

varicose veins surgery effects

Preventive measures after the operation must comply with for the first few months, your whole life. The only way to normalize the condition of the organization, and eliminates the possibility of the disease occurrence.