Varicose veins of the small pelvis in men

In the context of the influence of various factors, the venous blood vessels in the pelvic region can become deformed, leading to impaired blood flow with corresponding consequences. With age, the risk of developing pathological changes increases. Varicose veins of the small pelvis in men can be disguised as a number of diseases, for example, varicose veins or hemorrhoids. With minimal symptoms, conservative treatment is possible; Severe cases need surgical intervention.

Characteristics of the disease

When it comes to small pelvic varicose veins (VVVMT), changes in the structure of blood vessels and the presence of venous obstruction are implied. It is also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, obstructive venous syndrome.

the cause of pelvic varicose veins in men

The characteristic of BPHMT is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Varicose veins are formed due to the development of impaired function of the venous valves and the appearance of obstruction, as a result of an obstruction (partial or complete) of the venous bed, squeezing the vesselsand deteriorating their sound.

According to statistics, varicose veins of male genitalia are less common than varicose veins of small pelvis in women.

A violation can manifest itself as:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • varicose veins of the spermatozoa (recurrent, bilateral);
  • erectile dysfunction caused by venous obstruction;
  • hemorrhoids (internal / external);
  • varicose veins of lower extremities
  • ;
  • combination of the above diseases.

Incorrectly diagnosing the patient's condition can lead to difficulty in treatment, and the risk of recurrence is greatly increased.

Triggers of the disease

Many patients have genetic blood vessel problems. Weak circuits need to pay more attention to their own health. Otherwise, varicose veins of the pelvic vessels are not excluded. In addition, pathology can be acquired in nature.

In general, the disease is caused by:

  1. Vascular disorders (portal hypertension, May-Turner syndrome, arterial conflict).
  2. Connective tissue dysplasia.
  3. New student formation.
  4. Behavioral habits (lack of physical activity, abuse of junk food, not having sex often, exertion).

Having a tendency to varicose veins does not mean that it is underdeveloped. The likelihood of vein damage is greatly reduced if a man prefers a healthy lifestyle.


There are 3 small pelvic varicose veins, which occur in men.

The phase determination depends on the indicators of the diameter of the affected vessels:

  • for level 1 BPHMT, this value is the largest 0. 5 cm;
  • 2 degree of pathology accompanied by an increase in venous diameter up to 1 cm;
  • when switching to stage 3, this stat is 1 cm higher.

Depending on origin, the disease is classified into primary (congenital) and secondary.


The clinical manifestations of VVMT in early-stage men are not detected.

If left untreated for a long time, symptoms will develop as:

  • pain sensation in the lower abdomen and perineum;
  • increased pain after exercise, during sex and during bowel movements (if the patient is constipated);
  • swelling of the scrotum and perineum;
  • an indigestion disorder (a urination disorder).

Discomfort usually increases when a person changes positions. With VVMT, the pain spreads down the lower back or thighs. The more affected veins are, the more likely it is that they will develop dysuria.


Diagnosis of varicose veins of the small pelvis

Several diagnostic methods are provided:

  • TRUSI;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic veins;
  • dopplerography;
  • pharmacology (PCG).

In addition, the patient should have a coagulation test and an ultrasound scan. If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection, a PCR diagnosis will be made.

To accurately identify the disease, the patient must be examined by an endocrinologist and hematologist.

Treatment of ERCT in men

If symptoms are not noticeable to the affected veins, the doctor may prescribe prophylactic therapy with mandatory monitoring of the patient's condition.

Use as specified:

  • phlebotonics (synthetic, plant-based);
  • anticoagulants;
  • vitamins;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (for pain relief).

Conservative measures are also recommended for elderly patients, especially in the absence of severe symptoms.

Drugs selected by doctors help to strengthen the vessel wall and improve hemodynamic parameters.

Surgical treatment methods

As the disease progressed for a long time and accompanied by many different unpleasant symptoms, it was decided to conduct surgical treatment. When choosing surgical interventions, the specialist must take into account the patient's age, the medical condition and the presence of the accompanying pathologies.

Surgery, especially intravascular surgery, is indicated for patients:

  • is ​​clinically intense;
  • bilateral varicose veins (recurrent nature);
  • varicose veins of the prostate gland;
  • Compression of the pelvic vein.

In addition, a violation can be eliminated with the help of angioplasty, stent placement, vascular embolism.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can be used to relieve symptoms and speed up the recovery of affected veins. However, you should not use natural medicines without first consulting your doctor.

List of potential formulas:

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of pelvic varicose veins
  1. Chopped ginger (4 tablespoons) and lemon peel poured with boiling water (1 liter). After cooling, the honey is added to the infusion (2-3 tablespoons. L. ). Drinking water is used instead of tea.
  2. Horse chestnut (200 g) crushed and filled with vodka (1 l). The product is infused for 7 days in a dark place. Recommended dosage: 10 drops 3-4 times a day for a month.
  3. Chopped oak branches, willow and chestnuts (1 tablespoon each) in a pot, pour boiling water (1 l) and heat over low heat. Half an hour after boiling, the broth is removed from the stove and allowed to cool. Furthermore, chamomile, thistle, dried watercress and St. seaweed. John is added to it (1 tbsp each). Infusion time is 12 hours. A little honey should be added to the stretch.

The decoction mode: the first 2 days - 3 times of 50 ml each, 2 days later - 100 ml each, then increase the dose to 150 ml. Duration of treatment is 20 days, then a 10-day break.

For improving the condition of blood vessels, it is helpful to consume blueberries daily, as well as pollen.

When using folk remedies, understand that they only complement the main course, so should not refuse drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Prognosis and possible complications

The most favorable treatment prognosis will be in the early stage of VVMT. If the disease develops for a long time, accompanied by characteristic symptoms, usually only surgical intervention is needed to cure.

Thanks to the drug, you can reduce the discomfort caused by the distortion of the veins, as well as reduce the risk of unwanted consequences.

Patients should be aware that even surgery does not guarantee no recurrence. If the man continues his old lifestyle, most likely, the disease will return.

In other words, good results can be expected from treatment when:

  • promptly complete treatment;
  • strictly adheres to medical recommendations;
  • corrects behavior.

If the small pelvic veins are affected by varicose veins, the patient is at risk for:

  • infertile;
  • decreased spermatogenesis index;
  • diffuse changes in the prostate parenchyma;
  • erectile dysfunction.

Due to deformation of blood vessels, the ability to form blood clots and their movement, thromboembolism to rupture of veins with massive bleeding increases. These complications are fatal to the patient (occurring in 5% of cases).


For stronger sex, avoid venous damage and the above consequences, you should take regular precautions.

Follow these simple rules to protect yourself from the nasty disease:

  1. Nicotine seriously damages the blood vessels and the whole body, so you should quit smoking forever. Alcohol consumption should be minimized or eliminated.
  2. One of the most common factors that cause VVMT is a sedentary lifestyle. Need to avoid lying still for a long time, going out often. Office workers are forced to constantly sit on the computer, then periodic startup will be very helpful.
  3. An important item on the recommendation list is nutritional adjustment. Doctors always advise to eliminate harmful products from the menu, to give up overeating. Food consumed must be rich in vitamins, minerals and many other valuable substances, so the circuit remains strong and elastic.
  4. Excessive stress should be avoided.
  5. Having regular, uninterrupted sex has a positive effect on blood vessels.
  6. If a man has undergone surgery, he must wear compressed knitwear. The selected medical lingerie takes into account certain parameters. Also, take venotonics prescribed by your doctor. If necessary, the specialist will adjust the dosage or prescribe a more suitable product.
  7. To maintain the health of your veins, you should set aside time each day to do therapeutic exercises.

The periodic physical exam is of no small importance, this will allow you to spot any deviations in time and initiate treatment. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to cure. Severe cases need long-term treatment.

Small asymptomatic small pelvic varicose veins can be eliminated with conservative methods. A neglected disease is fought with the help of an operation, and even after surgical operations the pathology can recur.

It is possible to reduce the risk of ERCT through prevention, which means maintaining a healthy lifestyle.