Effective alternative treatments for varicose veins

Varicose veins are becoming more common in the population. There are many reasons for this: from immobility to weak blood vessels and heredity. Modern medicine offers many remedies for this disease. But many people prefer the folk remedies for varicose veins. How effective they are will be discussed in the article.

Tapes, compresses and wraps

In fact, there are many folk remedies for varicose veins. People have long understood that real cures for many diseases are developing under our feet. And we learned to use them correctly.

But if the disease has turned into a severe stage, it still needs to be treated with traditional methods, in addition to the auxiliary methods, use the methods of traditional medicine.

Among alternative varicose treatments, there are several ways:

  • bath;
  • ends;
  • rub;
  • tincture to drink;
  • compression;
  • herbal ointment;
  • application
  • , v. v.

Treatment of varicose veins at home involves both the alternate use of these methods and the concurrent use.

Mashed raw potatoes

Making a raw compressed potato is easy, but it should be fresh. Potatoes should be peeled, washed, grated, then spread on a gauze pad or cloth (first soaked in potato juice) and wrapped around the affected leg. This compression should be kept for about four hours.


Treatment of varicose veins with tomatoes

Many people know the recipe for varicose veins with unripe tomatoes. There are many positive reviews on the Internet, this tool really helps get rid of varicose veins at home.

You need to take a few green tomatoes, cut each one lengthwise. Apply half of a tomato to the affected areas, holding until a burning sensation.

Better handling this way in the summer - in winter, the store-bought tomatoes will not be of much benefit.

Then remove and place the other half. Repeat the process four times. After two weeks of using this remedy, swelling, pain, and veins become less.

Bee products

At home, you can treat varicose veins with beekeeping products (propolis, honey). Folk recipes recommend applying honey to cure varicose veins. A layer of honey should be applied to the cloth, then wrapped around the affected leg.

Holds compression on the first day for two hours, on day two - three, then - four. And then compress should be left overnight. After 2 weeks of using this remedy, the symptoms of the disease disappeared.

Lotions and alcohol

In the treatment of varicose veins, massage pills and oral alcohol are also quite effective.

This honey and onion massage recipe helps to cure varicose veins:

  1. Take half a cup of honey, it should be an herb.
  2. Chopped two onions.
  3. Mix honey, onion, and grated soap.
  4. Rub the affected area of ​​the leg with this mixture, cover with foil.
  5. The bandage on the head.

On the first run, remove the movie after two hours, on the second - after three hours, the next day - after four hours. Then you can leave it on overnight. The process must be in place within ten days to get the best possible effect.

There are also other effective ways to prevent and treat varicose veins.

Fresh Kalanchoe leaves

Only fresh Kalanchoe leaves are needed to prepare the alcohol. There must be enough of them to fill a half-liter vial. Then you need to fill the raw ingredients with vodka on top, tightly stopper the cork, put in a dark place.

After two weeks, stretch and massage the painful veins of the legs with tincture. This must be done strictly on a daily basis, otherwise it will not work. After a month, the stars will disappear.

Rosemary root

This marsh plant's pungent scent roots also help get rid of varicose veins. To prepare tincture, you will need about 3 tablespoons of rosemary root.

They should be washed first, crushed and put in a bottle.

Pour vodka in, keep in cool place, protect from light for 2 weeks. Then strain the muscles, massage the sore leg with this tincture every day for a month. Better to do this before going to bed. After two weeks, the results of treatment will be noticeable.

Green Walnuts

Treatment of varicose veins with green walnuts

An unripe, green walnut is necessary for the treatment of the disease with walnuts. They are removed from the tree in late June - early July. Nuts must be peeled, grinded by a coffee grinder or by hand.

Pour 100 grams into the vodka bottle. It takes ten days to confirm in a sealed box. Shake the box every day.

They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, making them strong and flexible, preventing abnormal expansion or damage.

Alcohol can be used both inside and rubbing. You need to drink it twenty drops three times a day half an hour before meals. Drink for ten days, then rest for the same number of days, then repeat the course.

This remedy strengthens the blood vessels, helps reduce swelling and pain, and reduces weight in the legs. It can remove spider veins, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones. Rub this alcohol on your feet once a day, preferably at bedtime for a month.

Infusion and decoction

Treatment with folk methods includes the use of decoctions, herbal remedies. There are many such recipes. There are many medicinal plants that cure varicose veins.

But before eating any recipe, it is necessary to consult the attending physician, since these medicinal herbs have a number of contraindications. Using them uncontrollably, you can easily harm your body.

What herbs help this cure? First of all - horse chestnut. There is similar information in any reference book about this plant's use for varicose veins. It can strengthen the vessel wall, normalize blood circulation, reduce swelling, relieve pain and cramps.

It looks like a tree with beautiful pink flowers and thorny round fruits. From them, tincture, decoction, ointment are prepared.

Contraindicated for this beneficial tree:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • chronic liver and kidney disease;
  • child age;
  • has a hormonal imbalance.

In addition to the horse chestnut tree, other medicinal plants are known to heal:

  • astragalus;
  • birch (bark and leaves);
  • immortal button;
  • whip grass;
  • St. John's wort;
  • bellflower;
  • white glue;
  • plantain and others.

You can suggest other recipes to treat the disease.

Antonov apple infusion

Antonov apples are distinguished by their unique, delicate aroma and sour taste. But few people know that infusing them can help cure the disease. To prepare it you will need 300 grams of Antonov apples.

You need to peel, shred, cut apples. Along with the peel, the crushed apple must be poured with a liter of water and set to low heat.

After the water boils, let the heat simmer for another 20 minutes. Then let it cool, drink half a cup of infusion three times before eating. Contraindications to this formulation are increased acidity in the stomach and a tendency to increase blood pressure.

Beautiful perfume

Decoction recipes for the treatment of varicose veins

This recipe will require 50 grams of hop cones. They should be poured with half a liter of boiling water, placed over a fire. After boiling, hold for a few more minutes.

The finished infusion will need to be rubbed into the skin from foot to knee for 3 months, twice a day.

Then remove from heat, let dry, let cool. Drink a quarter cup twice a day after meals. You cannot use this formula for people with low blood pressure, gastritis, pancreatitis.

Herbal preparations

For the treatment of this ailment, people often use collections of a number of useful herbs. But remember to check for contraindications before using them.

Some recommended fees:

  1. Take the same herb, raspberry root, chamomile, chamomile, horse chestnut in equal proportions. Pour half a liter of boiling water in, light up. After boiling, take it out, let it soak overnight. Drink one-third glass twice a day.
  2. Horse chestnut, oak bark, birch, horsetail, astragalus, elixir, Icelandic moss in equal proportions, mix well, pour one liter of boiling water, brake, filter, let cool. Drink a quarter cup 4 times a day.
  3. Get stinging nettle, grass, St. seaweed. John, marshmallow roots in equal amounts, pour a liter of boiling water, insist. Strain, drink half a glass after a meal four times a day.

These formulas should be used for a month, then rest. Then you can repeat the course. However, you should be careful about manifesting side effects when using these funds. Skin rash or diarrhea may appear. In this case, the intake of herbs should be stopped.

Bath for varicose veins

In addition to infusions and massages, you can soak your feet. At the same time, a decoction of herbs, different essential oils is added. Great if you add baking soda or apple cider vinegar to the water.

You can advise how to prepare an herbal bath as follows:

  • stinging nettle;
  • horse chestnut
  • ;
  • sequence
  • ;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • white willow;
  • wormwood
  • .

Take the herbs with equal amounts, pour one liter of boiling water, brake, and filter the water. Pour into the tub (about 5 liters), lower your feet into it. The water should not be too hot. Hold your feet until the water cools completely. Then apply the ointment.

You can also mix bath water with baking soda (200 g baking soda for 20 liters of water), stir and soak your feet in the tub. This process will take 20 minutes. You need to do this for two consecutive days, then take a day off and repeat.

It should be reminded that this disease cannot be cured with folk remedies alone. Be sure to use medications prescribed by your doctor. Traditional medicine should only help with basic treatment. Its advantage is in the minimum number of contraindications.