Exercise varicose veins: what you don't, workout program

Sometimes, however, clearly the legs blue veins, called varicose veins, while exercise is the main cause of the discomfort, the pain in my leg. Then the question arises: is it possible to exercise the varicose veins?

Consider how compatible the sport, varicose veins, we can exercise the varicose veins.

exercise varicose veins

Sports, varicose veins: it is a good idea?

Modern medicine varicose veins called one of the types of changes in the blood vessels, which is manifested in the form of expansion, increase of the superficial veins, accompanied by a disturbance of the blood flow. The disease, which according to the statistics, more often affects women, brings a lot of trouble: the venous network on the legs, not only looks very attractive accompanied by a painful feeling, but also lead to dangerous disease – thrombophlebitis.

However, the varicose veins, contrary to popular belief, it's not the cause of the sport. Sports, varicose veins – absolutely compatible concepts, in fact, a properly selected exercises can improve the blood circulation in the vessels, and prevents the progression and development of disease.

So the sport became a friend, not the enemy, varicose veins, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Account should be taken of the physical activity. The main rule is that the sport of varicose veins better, easier, but more often. Therefore, the increase in the intensity of the load means that an increase in the number of repetitions, and not the complexity of the exercises and the speed of the execution.
  2. Select "right" practices. Exercise with varicose veins of the lower limbs should not be limited to force loads. The best solution is to make people suffer a similar disease, will be all kinds of bending, rotation of the ankle, hip, knee joint, exercises the type of "toe-heel", "scissors" , "Bicycle".
  3. To be in shape. To soften the shock when running or jumping, you need to be careful choosing the "right" clothes and shoes. Experts recommend that people suffering from varicose veins, to more sporty shoes, the "air cushion". In addition, such shoes should not be tight, or else it can cause decreased blood flow to the legs. Maintain, venous wall during strong tension legs experts advise to choose a compression garment. This is not only useful, but at the same time comfortable.

The train Vienna: what to choose?

Varicose veins is of great importance that the motor activity. However, not all practices may be useful for varicose veins. So, people suffering from the disease, the experts advise you not to step-aerobics, as it gives too much load on the feet can cause discomfort, severe pain in the legs; callanetics, which is based on the power of the static load. But fitness varicose veins, contrary to popular belief, on the contrary, it can be useful, of course, if it is under the supervision of the fitness instructor, and do not exceed the recommended load capacity.

Leading experts in the training of varicose veins we recommend that you benefit from, yoga, the Pilates, which involves the slow, careful work. In addition, the exercises these directions in reverse positions.

No less useful for the varicose veins walking. Measured, unhurried, because it improves the blood circulation in the legs and that is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. A similar effect, Cycling. Cycling a person carries out a rotational movement, due to which the blood begins to circulate faster through the veins, thereby reducing the symptoms associated with venous stasis.

However, the most useful of varicose veins will be exercises in the water, especially the water aerobics, swimming. The efficiency is due to the fact that water is a significant pressure on the muscles, toning them, improving venous outflow. In addition, the water, then you can perform all exercises, including those which are banned on the beach.

Physiotherapy exercises varicose veins

Despite the fact that the intense exercise is contraindicated for varicose veins, there are special exercises that relieves tension in the feet, promotes blood circulation, eliminates stagnation of venous blood, therefore, to get rid of this insidious disease. What exercises you can do for your varicose veins? Consider an example of the exercises for varicose veins on your legs.

Exercises in standing position

constant exercises
  1. Stand straight with the legs parallel to each other. Climb to the toes, and then descend to the starting position. Repeat 20-25 times.
  2. Walk around the floor alternately to the high-heeled shoes, socks, ski step (without lifting the stop from the surface). The duration of the walk is 3-5 minutes.

Exercises in the sitting position

  1. Sit on a chair, lift your left foot on the floor, and then rotate the foot clockwise (15-20 spins), then in the opposite direction. In the end, the same exercise with your right foot.
  2. The sitting position in the corner, Flex the toes, as if trying to hold them on the surface. Keep the tension of the fingers before the onset of fatigue. Then relax, relax, then repeat this exercise several times.

Exercises lying on your back

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, pedal an imaginary bicycle. This practice is very important to straighten your legs until the end.
  2. Lying on your back, pull your legs to your chest, straighten them out, just slowly lower. Repeat this exercise 5-8 times.
  3. In a horizontal position, arms stretched along the body. Raise your legs above the level of the floor, and then start through them, simulating the work of scissors. Independently set the rhythm, the pace, the exercise, however, note that the breathing always smooth.

As you can see, these exercises for varicose veins does not require much physical effort, is easily performed at home. These are extremely useful in the first signs of the disease, and appropriate, periodic implementation is also an excellent prevention of varicose veins for a long period, delaying the deterioration of varicose veins symptoms.