Varicose veins of the lower extremities: the symptoms, causes, treatment

According to statistics, every fifth person on earth, suffers from this disease. But, what how to fight? The medical profession of the Baltic clinic veins was able to find the correct method for the recovery of the body, a specialized medical diagnostic equipment, devices for the treatment.

treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins: the specificity of the disease, peculiarities of

This is the disease people suffered in ancient times. This is evidenced by the register, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus. The doctors at the time tried to deal with the error, but the methods and measures have not been successful.

Varicose veins are a permanent, abnormal enlargement of the subcutaneous veins. The disease manifests itself, not only the lower extremities, but also in the abdomen, manually scrotum. Varicose veins refers to the number of progressive diseases: if time does not take measures to prevent the developmental disorder, the problem is to increase the pain get rid of even harder. The disease process is characterized by the fact that the veins are in a crowded state, can not cope with the flow of blood. Legs gain excessive fatigue, swelling, heavy legs, the feet, the ankle, and regularly reduces the risk of seizures.


What feelings are harbingers of the development of the disease? Many of the symptoms, the appearance of which immediately consult a doctor:

  • heavy leg feeling in the pads of the foot;
  • swelling of the feet, ankles (higher volume feet, the calves 2 times);
  • the regular cramps;
  • it is obvious varicose veins;
  • burning the "stars";
  • trophic changes of the skin, the foot, the leg;
  • thickened skin areas of the varicose veins;
  • the pigmentation, the appearance of the dark dark shade of the skin;
  • aching pain that you feel, which is not only in the supine position;
  • bruising;
  • the appearance of venous ulcers.

The discomfort, that there will always be a man, over time, may develop pain. They completely destroy the working ability of the patient, which the hospital treatment.

Discovered that a victim of the disease is very simple. The process of development of the varicose veins, the structure of the veins lose elasticity, flexibility, firmness. In the end, the veins in the upper layers of the skin, bent position, the enlarged, curved condition. You can see with the naked eye, I can feel it as soon as you touch it. Externally, these veins wide, acquired a dark blue or purple color. Convoluted vessels, particularly below the knee, the back takes the form similar to grapes.

Varicose veins is the failure of valves perforating veins, which are of two types:

  1. Primary.
  2. Secondary. Develops in pregnancy, your previously-acquired cirrhosis of the liver.

When the operation of the valves of the vascular system is interrupted, the blood flow in the deep veins begins to flow in the surface, more delicate, weak veins. Therefore, to expand, stretch, or weaken. The complete normalization of the vascular system requires recovery of the patients veins.

Causes of varicose

How can such consequences? The global changes in the body caused by the following factors:

  1. Obesity. Violations of the functionality of blood circulation due to the replacement of fat and squeezing them located in the interior of bodies.
  2. Pregnancy. The period of time that a child is often needed for hormonal methods of improving the estrogen, progesterone. The action will directly affect the appearance of varicose veins. The functionality of the varicose veins, the pregnant women, after delivery, they can gradually dissolve. Also, there is the varicose veins, the women in that situation, the increased amount of blood in the body. Uterus, the fetus puts pressure on the veins to go between the legs. This disrupts the vascular system and contributes to the varicose veins.
  3. As long as a position. As the sedentary, monotonous lifestyle often appears varicose veins. The disease occurs most frequently among people of such profession as a teacher, a surgeon.
  4. Genetic heredity. Congenital disorders, the veins, the most common cause of the disorder in the veins.
  5. The existence of a previous trauma (fracture). Deformations produced by a fracture, often affecting the function of the venous vessels. Once broken workflow enough to make a push for the development of varicose veins.
  6. Age-related changes. Elderly people, the wall of the vein becomes weak, a part of the epithelial cells already at 100%, the operation of which the operation of the valves is broken and looks like varicose veins.

Modern methods of vein treatment

vein treatment

Pronounced the symptoms cannot be ignored you need to urgently begin to address the problems by applying modern methods of treatment. Help the restoration of the circulatory system provides a modern, professional clinic veins.

At the moment, the clinic provides treatment of varicose veins:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Each one contains a number of recovery programs.

Conservative treatment

The treatment depends on the stage of the disease. The patients who succumbed to the effects of the disease, but was addressed in the early stages of development, can be subjected to the reconstruction non-surgical way. The program this kind of treatment includes the following methods:

  1. The medicine. The course is a thorough diagnostic examination, and the appointment of a doctor for the appropriate medications for a certain period of time. After taking the drug, the patient is re-examined. The results of the diagnosis, the specialist decides that treatment continuation or its termination.
  2. Varicose veins, varicose veins. If this method of treatment requires special tools. This is a special drug, which is injected with a syringe suffering from varicose veins. The drug is characterized by the fact that it nourishes the affected vein. Since this is the "fraud" of the body, the blood starts to healthy veins. This method of recovery is not always as it requires a certain stage of development of varicose veins, vascular health status of nodes.
  3. Compression therapy. The recovery method consists of applying a special compression underwear, which selected just the doctor. Compression is an effective method of non-surgical healing, the doctors, the Baltic vein clinic provides professional help use to achieve the 100% recovery.

Surgical removal of varicose veins

This is the method of treatment of leg veins continues to be popular because the treatment is non-surgical route is not always possible to say goodbye to a disease. Because of the deep development of the disease, to get rid of it is only possible to use the operation.

The main indications for surgery, surgical intervention in the treatment of varicose veins:

  1. The rapid development of the disease. The manifestation of the stage of trophic ulcers.
  2. Violation of blood outflow.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. The extension of the saphenous veins.
  5. Swelling, high fatigue meters.

There are also a painless procedure, which the modern techniques

  • Radio frequency oblivion the blood vessels. RFO, EVRF allows the radio waves to restore the structure of the veins inside. Surgery the clinic uses single-use catheters, automatic generators of radio waves.
  • SVS – thermal blockage of pulses the steam. The method involves the treatment of varicose veins by injecting into the venous catheter, through which passed the blanket frame enters the abundant stream of steam. The hot steam allows you to penetrate into the most inaccessible areas of the ship and affects the meshed, deformed blood vessels. After the treatment, so the Vienna reduced.
  • Operation Varadi. The hardest method. Provides that the removal of the patient's veins. The method is 100% effective. After the end of the day the patient can go home. The only requirement: the compression stockings since the surgery.
  • EVL, or laser coagulation in the veins. The procedure, laser is used. The beam is directed at sick ship, which allows you to localize the error. The use of local anesthetic. The procedure doesn't leave scars, cuts, or burns.
  • The Venaseal system includes the complete closure of the patient's veins, the legs by gluing valves, which is a biological glue.

Very often, surgical treatment combined with conservative. After the surgery is often necessary to ensure that the result of the drug use.

Prevention of varicose veins

The result is to cure stuck, varicose veins ceased to be needed, not just the regular medication to stabilize the condition of the body, but also the prevention of diseases by adhering to simple rules lifestyle.

The doctors claim that it is easier to prevent disease than to treat it. Simple rules, the behavior, lifestyle helps to prevent the development of varicose veins:

  • The compilation of the day: the alternation of different types of stress in the body. Minimize orthostatic stress.
  • The available orthopaedic chair-sedentary work at the table.
  • The crushing rejection, tight clothes, shoes.
  • The implementation of regular Cycling, swimming.
  • Implementation of the morning and evening charging.
  • The order weight (a sharp set up the weight to see the dietitian).
  • Contrast shower.
  • Adoption of a daily 1.5 litres of fluid.

While waiting for a long way, which has expressed signs of the condition take care of all the preparations. Soothing gels, ointments great helpers in such events.

Applying simple measures to prevent diseases, not only slows down the progression of the disease. Such activities will help you to get rid of the disease, and prevents the progression. He noticed that some signs of the worsening condition of the body, you should consult a phlebologist. The Modern diagnostic centres can be identified in the diagnosis determination, the effective treatment.