How to treat varicose veins on the legs, women's: all methods

Among vascular disorders the most common the varicose veins that mostly affects the lower limbs. Today, according to statistics, every third inhabitant of the planet is a patient phlebology, because of problems with vessels of the leg. Between them a third, the patient is a woman, therefore question of how to treat the varicose veins in the legs, the women, the most relevant.

varicose veins on the legs in women

So, you are in danger, more often women, modern medicine, as well as innovative techniques to develop a variety of methods for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. Can clearly impact the treatment of varicose veins and involving relevant medical specialists vascular surgeon. Furthermore, this treatment of women should be based on the two principles — regularity, complexity.

Signs of varicose veins on the legs in women

In order to timely detect varicose veins in women, it is important to know exactly this disease is, what symptoms signs may be the development. Varicose veins are a pathological process, to be exact increase of the venous lumen as a result of a decrease in the flexibility of tone of the vascular wall. This leads to abnormal stretching of the walls of the vessel, the reflux of the blood, disorder of venous valves, blood stasis.

The disease is characterized by prolonged course, slow development framework in this regard, to detect the varicose veins on your legs it is very difficult at the initial stage. The circulation may take years before a woman will feel the first signs of varicose veins. The symptoms in the early stages of a feeling of heaviness, swelling of the legs, and fatigue.

These symptoms are often noticed by the women because of their professional activities for a long time in one position. In the future there may be other symptoms of varicose veins:

  • bulge the walls of the blood vessels in the skin's surface;
  • manifestation of vascular network on the legs;
  • the spider veins appearance;
  • itching, the symptoms veins;
  • calf muscle cramps are involuntary in nature, especially at night.

A specialist it is important to recognize, when at least one of these symptoms. I suggest that in such cases the internist, vascular surgeon or. If delay happened, to the doctor to see the symptoms of varicose veins are blood clots, bulging bunch of large veins, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of veins), venous ulcers on the skin of the legs.


As long as the specialist can't identify the exact causes, vascular disease, heal the varicose veins in the legs, the women almost impossible. Any disease, we need to study the etiology, prerequisites, and after removal may suppress this pathological process. Before the doctor faces the task of finding the reasons, the violation of which the blood outflow.

Lead to varicose veins also excessive the flow of blood to the lower limbs, difficult drainage of blood from the vessels, which results in further deformation of the vessels, fragility, friability of the vessel wall, further damage to the wall. The first one starts to expand the vein, after which the skin of the feet is manifested through the blood vessel, bulges, knots.

Since such damage to the vessel wall, lymphatic congestion, provoking the appearance of edema, feelings of heaviness, pain. The leg begins to deteriorate skin itchy, and scaly.

Most often the risk of the varicose veins, the following categories of women:

  • age more than 30 years old.
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity or being overweight;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • predisposition, heredity, varicose veins.

Furthermore, the same doctors those women to the same body position, sitting or standing. You have to understand, that if not treated, varicose veins lead to serious consequences — necrosis, thrombosis, ulcers, eczema.

Drugs (gels, ointments) for external use

Varicose veins treatment, primarily on the 1 2 the stage of development when diagnosed 3. section, the random, the oppression, the pathology is small. The treatment is complex, as the medication, doctors usually prescribe the medication for internal applications and external applications.

Most often the local treatment of varicose veins includes the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, back to blood vessels elasticity, strength, normal form, and improves blood circulation. In addition, the doctor may prescribe the ointments to relieve the pain. Also eliminate the acute symptoms of varicose veins can ointment and cream based on heparin, indomethacin.

signs of varicose veins

Tablets varicose veins

As mentioned earlier, if your varicose veins are, the women reached the 2 or 3 stage of development, the doctor is obliged to appoint an oral presentation of the special preparations, which are used together, it means that the external application. Tablets can be a pain reliever, inflammation reducer

The most popular tablet in the varicose veins are of special medicines that improve the blood circulation, blood flow, and reduces the permeability of the vessel walls. However, means to prevent the appearance of stagnant processes in the blood, improve the outflow.

The surgery

Surgical cure of varicose veins in the legs, the women only if the medication was not effective, the doctor will give purpose to the basic techniques of the therapy. Is most often performed in patients who suffer from varicose the legs 3, 4 section. In addition, if the doctors see the chronic venous insufficiency requires preparation of conservative therapy.

There are several methods of surgical treatment of varicose veins in women:

  1. Phlebectomy — surgical excision those veins, because pathology has been extended and modified.
  2. Varicose veins — injection using professionals to get medicine to the affected part of the ship, causing it to stick together. In the following, the flow step, only healthy vessels, glued Vienna gradually absorbed.
  3. Laser photocoagulation of the affected area begins to effect the laser irradiation of the high frequency profile.
  4. Radio wave treatment is the most low-invasive, painless method of treatment that did not appear in the hospital, rehabilitation.

In the future, positive results, these methods of treatment depends on the patient's compliance with all the recommendations to follow your doctor's instructions. To facilitate the recovery to the correct lifestyle, nutrition, compression, lingerie, as well as the equal division of labor rest.

Folk medicine methods

In addition to the basic therapy, which is designated a health professional to treat varicose veins on the legs, moreover, women are at home using folk recipes. This home treatment helps you cope with the symptoms of varicose veins as well as speeds up the healing process.

  1. Night compresses an excellent job with the swelling, itching, pain, varicose veins. To fulfill compresses at night for 4-6 weeks to do this, use the following ingredients:
  • the cabbage leaves, wash and scald with hot water;
  • grated potato;
  • aloe, Kalanchoe;
  • grated the soap, mixed with a small amount of warm water;
  • a solution of apple cider vinegar with water.

The application of the compress, a piece of gauze, fold it into several layers, moisten the prepared materials, put it to the right place. A bandage fix dressing, which is removed in the morning.

  1. Soda that is used in compresses, creams, rubbing. In 100 ml of water dissolve a spoonful of baking soda, which helps clear the affected areas, rinse these areas with water is not necessary. If you need to make a compress or cream this solution moisten a swab of cotton wool to apply the aid of a bandage on his leg. The course of treatment minimum 1 month.
  2. Tincture of ginseng, as a tonic. To prepare a tincture, take 600 ml vodka, 150 grams of dry root of the plant. Mix all the ingredients, the infusion has sent 2 weeks in a dark, cool place, constantly shaking, the contents of the container. Tension tincture 1-2 teaspoons taken on an empty stomach 4 times a day.

If we talk about the large varicose veins, traditional medicine suggested that a soda bath for the feet. This 2 litre hot water dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda, the resulting solution is added to the water in the bathroom. The period is a time not to exceed 20 minutes, to repeat such manipulations can be 10-times 2-times 7-10 days.

Exercises, gymnastics

If you increase locomotor activity, it is possible to improve the status of functioning of the vascular system and the blood circulation. Doctors physiotherapy to those patients that most of the day spent in the standing position. Finally, a set of exercises in the morning, as the charging party, and shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes.

folk treatment of varicose veins

A set of exercises against varicose veins consists of the following exercises:

  1. Workout of the muscles, i.e., the trunk bending in different directions, rotational movement of the head, hand, leg lifts, you can also perform dance moves.
  2. The following exercise can be carried out of the Carpet, such as Cycling, mixing, dilution, leg scissors, leg lifts from the ground, lowering the raising and lowering of the pool.
  3. Stretching helps to increase the blood flow and the blood supply. This can be a practice pli — gradual squat with widely divorced feet. Also useful would be lunges forward, first the right, then the left leg. Finally, pull-UP, lying down, standing up.

The exercises often than the patient allows the physical condition of the body. It is important that the exercises do not cause discomfort and pain. More complex types of exercises for varicose veins on the legs should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If the patient is observed varicose veins running form, workout, gym, only after the approval of the doctor, the special underwear. Such precautions will help protect the affected vessels of the sprain, injuries.