author Jomar Tamon

Jomar Tamon


  • What is better to use against varicose veins of the lower extremities? Fight varicose veins with creams, ointments and tights.
    4 September 2021
  • Treatment of varicose veins: the conservative methods, modern bezoperatsionnye techniques (varicose veins, radio-frequency coagulation (ablation), laser therapy), surgical treatment, treatment at home.
    5 July 2020
  • Under varicose veins, or varicose veins, which suggests that the pathological process leading to excessive blood filling of the venous bed.
    21 August 2019
  • The legs are "vibrating", and the night is a great dark blue lot of to get out of... Here is the layman it is clear that necessary treatment of varicose veins. What you need to do? Treatment folk remedies, or just start drugs?
    1 October 2018
  • Varicose veins affect mainly the rectum and the legs, as a result of the weakness of the connective tissue, obstruction of the outflow and not adequate electric valves. In this article I will tell you that folk remedies the varicose veins in the legs
    20 September 2018
  • Varicose veins — the dangerous, very insidious disease. Most commonly, this disease complain about the impression that the men are basically suffering from this disease. This is not the case.
    11 September 2018