author Conchita



  • What is varicose veins and arachnoid, the causes of varicose veins, its symptoms and complications, diagnosis, treatment (compression socks, lifestyle changes, fibrosis therapy, laser therapy, surgery, radio frequency ablation), disease prevention.
    1 October 2020
  • Contraindications to varicose veins: medication, exercise, nutrition, alcohol and tobacco, tattoos, pressure bandages, hair removal, contrast bath and hydraulic massage, wrapping, abortion, endoscopy, therapylegal mud, bathing and dyeing.
    19 September 2020
  • Varicose veins is a serious disease, which is characterized by increase of blood vessels. If the diagnosis "varicose veins", then measures should be taken as soon as possible. According to the statistics, suffer from this disease 70% of women 40%, men 15% of the adolescents.
    20 September 2018
  • Varicose veins (varices) represents a chronic disease in which the veins extension, which occurs simultaneously with the violation of blood circulation stasis within the venous system.
    19 September 2018