Varicose veins in pregnancy

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a beautiful time, it can cause unpleasant diseases, such as varicose veins. Approximately 30% of women pathology occurs after the first pregnancy, after a further this number continues to inexorably grow. Varicose veins in pregnancy affects women who did not. Some women say the first manifestation of varicose veins before pregnancy, after which the situation worsened.

Varicose veins is a visual spider veins, or so-called "worms", the first is a spider web of blood vessels. "Worms" extended main veins. In this case, bulging veins that have a thickness in the finger and painted blue-green color. Varicose veins are not only cosmetic defect, this pathology is very dangerous and carries serious complications. The most dangerous consequence may be the formation of a blood clot, which at any moment can come off, which does not constitute a direct hazard for the mother and the child.

The reasons for the development of

The reasons for the development of

This unpleasant disease, such as varicose veins on the legs can develop as a result of hormonal changes in the body of the mother. The increase in progesterone contributes to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels. A woman is actively gaining weight, the load on the legs increases, which increases pressure on the veins. From such a load of veins and capillaries begin to stretch and increase its size. In addition, the growing uterus compresses the pelvic veins and cause additional tension of the veins in the legs.

Another reason for varicose veins in pregnancy want to call a sedentary lifestyle. Many women are in an interesting position, I prefer lying down, causing blood stagnates in the veins of the leg and dilation of the blood vessels.

I would like to stress, the main causes affecting the development of varicose veins in pregnancy:

  • The iliac veins are squeezed by the enlarged uterus. This body is a major obstacle for the flow of blood, as it compresses the vein and the distal inferior Vena cava in the last months of pregnancy. The blood circulates poorly in the thighs and vulva;
  • Genetic predisposition is the main cause for development of varicose veins in pregnancy;
  • The work of the hormones. Progesterone actively reduce the tone of venous walls, making it a sprain. Increased estrogen causes increased blood flow in the arteries of the uterus and of the pelvis;
  • Increased pelvic blood flow. Pregnant women who suffer due to the increased flow of venous blood in the pelvic region. Started disorders of the outflow of blood from the legs, due to which there is stagnation, and the vessels dilate;
  • Increase in blood volume. Disorders of the venous system is largely a result of a significant increase in the venous blood. This happens as a result of an increase in plasma volume and the expansion of the vascular channel;
  • Other causes of venous disease of the legs during pregnancy include: morphological changes in the tissues of the vessels, the anatomical changes in the valves of the veins, pathology of the connective tissue;
  • Closure. So delicate a question, the care of almost all pregnant women. If the closure should be made, due to which changes in the blood vessels.

Additional factors in the development of varicose veins during pregnancy include age of mother, number of pregnancies, and heredity.

But are those causes for the development of varicose veins in pregnancy, which lead to his appearance before the interesting position of women, namely:

  1. Frequent wearing of shoes with heels which has a height of more than 8 cm;
  2. Variety hot hair removal;
  3. Frequent heat treatments such as steam baths, saunas, springs, etc.;
  4. A sharp change in weight;
  5. Hiking in the Solarium and often stay in the sun.

The symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis

The symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis

The formation of varicose veins in the legs has its own mechanism, which is presented in the form of blood pumping in the legs, after which it is still clamped in them, like the veins pressed partially. When it comes to congestion, which pulls the vein from the inside. The development of this pathology during pregnancy has its own phases of:

  1. The initial stage takes place practically without symptoms. Visually you can detect very little changes in the venous network of the leg. For the evening the lower limbs may swell, but the morning of this picture goes without a trace;
  2. Then you can join the seizures that happen in the night time. In cramps associated severe pain and itching that occurs at night;
  3. The next step is, strong changes in the form of blood vessels. They begin to bulge outward, are large in size and too curved. With such a rate can not feel discomfort, but in most cases, the woman suffers from severe pain.

Problems with the veins, not the doctor. On advice from such professional women will get answers to questions about treatment or consultation with a vascular surgeon who specializiruetsya on the operations of the arteries and veins.

Necessary tests:

  • Ultrasound in the veins of the legs. This method will help the specialist to check the degree of injury of the veins, direction of blood flow and the presence of congestion. On the basis of such examination, the doctor may prescribe medications to thin the blood in the veins or surgery;
  • KLA. This blood is to determine an inflammatory process in the body;
  • Coagulation, which is a complex of research for indications of blood clotting. If the doctor prescribes blood thinners, such research shall be carried out again.
Types of varicose veins, in pregnant women

Types of varicose veins, in pregnant women

It should be noted that varicose veins can be of different types. Consider the ones who appear most often in women in an interesting position:

  1. Varicose veins in the groin. In this type of groin a woman has bulging veins, she feels the weight in this area;
  2. Varicose veins of the uterus. This disease occurs due to hereditary predisposition and the active work of the iliac out. Other causes can be abortion, inflammation, disorders of the menstrual cycle, etc;
  3. Varices of the vagina. This form is most common among pregnant women. Often pathology of the suffering wife, the mother or grandmother of varicose veins in the legs;
  4. Varicose veins on the legs. This type is most common among all diseases of the blood vessels.

The treatment of varicose veins in pregnancy

The treatment of varicose veins in pregnancy has its own phases, which I want to see more details:

The treatment of varicose veins in pregnancy

1. Compression underwear – this is the initial stage for the treatment of venous diseases and is good for the prevention of disease and for postoperative support. Compression socks are designed to reduce congestion in the direction of the veins, which leads to a reduction of edema, unpleasant symptoms disappear, and further development of the disease is interrupted. The compression garment can be of different types, can be tights, stockings or socks. These items are made by seamless technology, the use of elastic materials.

Compression socks have a few classes of its kind. Underwear can be therapeutic, prophylactic, or out of the hospital. Curative and preventive models can be purchased in a regular pharmacy, the packaging always indicates the level of compression. Recommendations regarding the selection of the garment gives the doctor. Otherwise you can buy are too weak or too tight underwear. To effect you will get if you wear knitwear from the morning to the evening. Remove the White, it is necessary to avoid a sudden drop in blood pressure;

2. Venotonics – are drugs that act on the veins. Tonic effect on the veins occurs due to the fact that diosmin increases the period of functioning of the norepinephrine in the vein. Norepinephrine, in turn, increases your muscle tone and density of the venous wall, the vasoconstrictor effect and prevents the expansion and the stagnation in the veins.

During pregnancy allowed medications with active ingredient – diosmin. Use them only in the second trimester, and only after consultation with the doctor. These medicines should stop taking it for a few weeks before giving birth, to prevent the risk of a lot of bleeding during childbirth;

3. As systemic medications can be taken only in the second trimester, and treatment should be started already in the early stages of the development of varicose veins, can be used as a therapy topical preparation in conjunction with the compression underwear. During pregnancy can you use this ointment.

The perfect solution to relieve the annoying symptoms of varicose veins in pregnancy is the foot massage, which will have a trained specialist. The movement of massage should be smooth, in the direction from the bottom up. If the use of gels and creams is permitted by the physician in conjunction with a massage will be the maximum positive effect.

The birth of the varicose veins

Varicose veins is not a contraindication for pregnancy and childbirth of the child. A woman who is only slightly more responsible attitude to their health in this period. The name of the doctor will certainly offer you methods of treatment and prevention of disease. The compulsory question will be of the delivery, the doctor will take into account the way of involving children in the light, or is natural childbirth or cesarean section. Medical veins and gynecologist in joint discussions, which will come to the desired conclusion.

If possible, doctors will insist on natural childbirth. Before the process of delivery, you will wear compression stockings or bandaging the legs with elastic bandage. So the doctors will eliminate the likelihood of reverse casting of blood in vain tries.

Disease after giving birth

Disease after giving birth

Many women are wondering if during pregnancy was diagnosed with varicose veins, what awaits them after the birth? The disease will come to nothing, or is this her heat? The exact answer to this question is no and you would not even your doctor.

Some women after giving birth completely forget about such unpleasant problems, such as varicose veins, while others are still suffering from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.


We all know that disease prevention is much easier than treatment. This is the reason why every woman needs to know how to properly and safely to prevent varicose veins in pregnancy.

In the case when you don't have a predisposition to these diseases, that you do not spend the whole day on their feet, and not engaged in heavy physical activity, prevention of varicose veins will be simple. Well, if all of the above is important to you, then prophylaxis should be carried out with a double effort, because this is a very effective methods of dealing with the disease. But do not forget that each new pregnancy increases the risk for the occurrence of varicose veins.

How pregnant to avoid varicose veins

How pregnant to avoid varicose veins

Methods to prevent the development of varicose veins in pregnancy:

  • Try to walk more. Long walks in the fresh air will do you and baby good. So you will be spending a great workout for the calf muscles, which improves blood circulation in the legs;
  • Another way to prevent disease is swimming, which is not only physical exercise, but easy full body massage. The beneficial effects of swimming will be given on the spine of the pregnant woman who is experiencing a large load and is it good to be in a relaxed state;
  • The perfect solution is a shower. Make sure that the temperature difference is not too big, otherwise you may become sick. You should start from his state and emotions;
  • Avoid high heels can not be higher than 3 cm Shoes must not elastic or screws, the pressure on the feet, what will hinder the flow of blood in it. The same applies to socks;
  • Sometimes try to lie down with raised head. Place a soft pillow and lay so for about 15 minutes;
  • Try to sleep on your left side. So you will have less pressure on the poppy on the vein, which is located on the right side. Attach to the under side of a small soft pillow for more comfort;
  • To prevent varicose veins in pregnancy and for General good health, the spread of the time of day that you lie, sit or stand. However, this does not mean you have to lie on the couch for 10 straight hours or idle hours not moving;
  • Never put one leg on the other, when sitting, especially for low seats;
  • Build your diet, which will be beneficial not only for veins but also for digestion in General.

The prevention of varicose veins of the legs during pregnancy want to include strong prevent weight gain. Be careful what you eat and in what quantity. Do not get too lean on food in the evening.

And there are specific exercises that are designed for pregnant women who want to prevent varicose veins on the legs:

  1. Sit in a chair and put your hands down. Stand up on the inhale, on the exhale sit down;
  2. Stand with your feet apart at shoulder width. Alternately begin to raise the legs, bending the knees, the feet, to tear off it is impossible.
  3. Sit in a chair and execute movements with their feet by rolling and rotating;
  4. Stand up and start smoothly up and down on tiptoes and back. Don't forget to breathe correctly;
  5. Walk a little first on tiptoe, then on heels. So do the same with the inner and outer side of the foot;
  6. Stand up, spread your feet shoulder width apart and begin to rotate the leg from the ankle to the lower part of the leg, change legs;
  7. After a set of exercises, including music and a little dancing. So you have a feeling that the foot rested, and the tension has passed.