Varicose veins of the small pelvis

Fairly common diagnosis in medical practice recently became varicose veins of the small pelvis, and found both men and women. However, the statistics show that the women face this problem often of the opposite sex. The varicose veins of the pelvis affects all age group women, but the age increases, proportionally increases the risk of this disease. The reproductive age varices in the vessels of the small pelvis can be detected in 15-20% of women and menopause diagnosed the 75 to 80% of the patients. The men the initial symptoms of varicose veins in the pelvic area most often occur in the range from 12 to 30 years.

varicose veins


The development of this disease contribute to a number of reasons. Some of it depends on heredity, and general health, while others are the result of lifestyle habits. The provoking factors of the appearance of varicose veins in the pool, or:

  • abnormal dilatation of the rectum, or lower limbs;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital weakness of connective tissue and venous walls;
  • the development of tumors, tumors, hernias of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, the chronic form;
  • sedentary, static sport;
  • heavy physical exertion;
  • forced prolonged sitting or standing;
  • the lack of regular sexual life;
  • nervous system disorders, frequent lack of sleep;
  • poor diet, excess body weight;
  • the bad habits.

Depending on the gender the above list is complemented by a variety of factors. For example, men, this factor can be the non-standard function, the structure of the blood vessels of the genitals. This condition is called venous – varicose veins of the spermatic cord. Since the characteristics of the male anatomy, we can say that most disease is localized on the left side.

Features of the varicose veins, the small pool of women (the so-called female venous) due to the presence of the following risk factors:

  1. inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  2. mechanical compression of veins by the enlarged uterus;
  3. sexual disorders (discomfort during intercourse, anorgasmia);
  4. polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy;
  5. a number of hard work;
  6. hormonal changes;
  7. the hormonal treatment contraception.

It is worth noting that, despite the greater incidence of varicose veins, the pool or did I get that wrong, but maybe there are other reasons for its occurrence.


Signs of varicose veins of the small pelvis in the early stages of the disease show no symptoms. The men patients who are the symptoms, which are often detectable only methods of palpation, ultrasound, functional tests, and physical examination. Only if the extent of damage to the blood vessels is very high, varicose veins obvious deformity of the penis, severe pain even at rest.

varicose veins of the small pelvis

The patients of both sexes pain of varicose veins of the pelvis begin to occur in the development of abnormal changes in the blood vessels, reducing blood flow. They are located in the lower abdomen, with different intensity, most patients report aching, gnawing pain, like that of the sacrolumbar area. Happen, or rising, when walking, after a prolonged static and dynamic loads.

Varicose veins of small pelvis in women symptoms is more pronounced than the men:

  1. attacks of pain in the abdomen spread to the area of the dam, or growth, usually after a long stay standing or sitting; the first day of menstruation, after exposure;
  2. discomfort in the genital organs and the pelvis in during intercourse, and then after a little while ;
  3. pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  4. if the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea): the growth duration, and copious menstruation;
  5. increased secretion of the glands of the external genital organs;
  6. venous lumps in the groin area;
  7. special zone of sensitivity of the dam;
  8. disorder of urination.


Pregnancy is a specific indicator of the health of the woman. The disease is asymptomatic or in the period of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the fast-growing uterus taking up more space in the pool. At the end of the third trimester, reaches its maximum size, and compress other organs, squeeze the venous blood vessels. The walls, due to the reduction of uterine tone, in this period is much weaker than usually. This physiological process is harmful to health, or the pregnancy may be complicated by rupture of veins, bleeding. And after the birth of anemia, a painful feeling that the problems of the veins.

The growth of the fetus, the outflow of blood from the uterus increases approximately 15-20 times, valve device in the vessels of the uterus isn't always able to handle. This is a violation of the unidirectional flow of blood, which is due to venous congestion, and inflammation. The bloodstream it begins to in a way, which involved a weak little vessels of the pelvic organs. This leads to unnecessary blood, in consequence of which, varicose veins in the pelvis. It's possible that after the birth you may find that the reverse process, the disease will retreat.

Because of the reduced blood flow of varicose veins of the pelvis leads to less oxygen to the baby. Hypoxia of the fetus, sometimes it is for this reason that the cesarean section.

During pregnancy it is particularly important not to confuse the varicose veins, the uterus, pelvis. Create accurate disease only survey-based methods of high level diagnostic abilities: ultrasound (us), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). During this period of life, women have the advantage in ultrasound, MRI, CT scan involves radiation. MRI is completely safe, but it is not recommended the first trimester of pregnancy. Indications for MRI of varicose veins of the pelvis or the results of the ultrasound.

During pregnancy to treat varicose veins in the pool using only conservative methods of therapy. So completely get rid of the disease after birth. In extremely critical situations, resort to surgical intervention. You can use the minimally invasive techniques – radio-frequency and laser coagulation.

The treatment, without surgery, all the recommendations mainly refer to the changes in life style:

  • increase your physical activity. To the Hiking, at least two hours a day, a mandatory rest;
  • to eliminate the increase;
  • you need to stick to a diet that includes products rich in fiber (cereals, fruit, berries, vegetables), as well as a large amount of healthy fats;
  • a contrast shower, a welcome swimming pool;
  • the second trimester to be sure to wear the designated type of compression stockings or the prenatal bandage;
  • sleep better on the side with a slightly raised legs;
  • exercise and respiratory therapy.

If a direct threat of premature birth treatment held stationary under the under the auspices of the hospital staff.


Varicose veins of the pelvis treatment treatment of different medications, and special gymnastics exercises.

The use of essential drugs in the acute phase of the disease. The main active ingredients: diosmin, hesperidin, troxerutin, and pentoxifylline. Vitamin C-tablets, fruit juice extracts, vegetable oil also gives a modest improvement of the patient's condition.

Pregnant women, doctors try to prescribe the means (the varicose veins of the small pelvis) solely on the basis of natural active substances: horse chestnut extract, green tea extract, vitamins, oils, etc. Then there are medicines that have fewer side effects. Often the treating physician, the holistic therapy will give you a referral for physiotherapy or physiotherapy.

Tournament of varicose veins of the small pelvis, there is a wide range of measures. These are the main form of treatment, which simultaneously has the previous value. Exercises involving the back muscles, peritoneum, pelvis, hip, positive effect improves the blood circulation. Given the load intensity, especially in the health, employment, and home, you can pick up a reasonable set of exercises.

Exercises at home also includes the following complex:

  • the practice of "Cycling": the rotation of legs, lying on his back. 15-20 approaches;
  • practice "knees": raise the chest to the knee, the toe, is fixed in that position for a few seconds. 10 reps on each leg;
  • exercise "Scissors": in supine position, keep arms at sides, legs straight, toes stretched myself, however, with her legs crossed. 15 approaches;
  • exercise "Candle": the head, neck, shoulder, or on the floor, the body should be secured in a vertical position, the back keep your hands to 5-7 minutes;
  • practice flexibility: the support to the hands, knees, first bend, and then straighten your back. 10 approaches.

The work, for example, you can perform the following exercises:

  • at the urging of, straightening of the toes;
  • circular rotation of the leg in the sitting position, 10 times;
  • alternative transfer the body weight on one leg, then the other.

In the initial stages of the disease, to complement the treatment of varicose veins, the pool can be folk remedy. These include the adoption of a refreshing bath, the use of anti-inflammatory extracts and promote blood potion.

Most of the tools easy to prepare at home. Settings in the treatment of disease is given: fruit, flowers, horse chestnut, birch chaga, dandelion root, chamomile flowers.

A special place, treatment, prevention:

  • adherence to a healthy lifestyle (quit Smoking, alcohol consumption);
  • system diet (eating small portions 5 times a day at equal intervals of time);
  • the optimal ratio of the body motion, rest;
  • sexual life after of varicose veins, the pool is moderate;
  • regular monitoring of blood parameters;
  • a visit to the phlebologist.

After recovering from the disease, the patients note improvement of not only physical but also emotional state.

exercise varicose veins