Stage of varicose veins — what you need to know?

I know the stages of varicose veins, it is very important that the time to begin prevention, treatment. After all, this could be the first step to maintain the health of veins. Such feelings as fatigue, heavy legs, the legs at the end of the day, familiar to almost everyone, but some of them, who communicate with the varicose veins. Meanwhile, these symptoms can be signs of venous disease.

Just note that there are several variants of classification of stages of varicose veins on your legs. We refer to that separate the disease of the three stages: a compensation stage, the stage of subcompensation phase of decompensation. Take a closer look.

Varicose veins: initial stage

In the initial stage of varicose veins also called the compensation stage.

This period can last for a few months several years ago. The fact that the body's inherent mechanisms which are activated, if the fault of the veins, and compensate for them. Therefore, in the initial stages of varicose veins, the so-called "phase compensation." But therein lies the danger: people might for a long time, to ignore the signs, but I really miss the time when you fight him, that would be the most effective.

Stage subcompensation

At this stage, the external signs of varicose veins may be present, but it looks like spider veins the messenger of varicose veins. The patients suffer from heavy legs, bloating, swelling of the feet towards evening, but they bring less discomfort. Generally, these symptoms are written off to fatigue, at the end of the day, especially if the profession is associated with prolonged stay on his feet.

If varicose veins are diagnosed at an early stage, there has to be a conservative, non-surgical treatment. In particular, there are different types of sclerotherapy.

Varicose veins progresses

It looks like the varicose veins in the early stage of the approximately clear: the external signals are not expressed, the patient must concentrate on your health. But the second stage, called the stage of decompensatedpatients usually to the doctor.

The sub-compensation stage of the disease, when the body cannot fully cope with the negative consequences. The patient begins to not only complain of pain or swelling at the end of a hard day, but there was a constant malaise that prevents a normal lifestyle. But at this time an appeal to phlebologist.

Blood vessels at this stage, good strength, can be clearly seen. Skin becomes darker, bluish hue. At this stage, the discomfort to the patient noting the initial stage of varicose veins, increase. Swelling, pain, a burning sensation, mild cramps in the legs, it should be noted that not only in the evening or at night.

This section shows that a more serious treatment: laser coagulation, minimally invasive surgery, we strongly recommend wearing compression stockings.

If varicose veins are not treated...

If patients do not apply closely to his condition and not attractive phlebologist varicose veins disease in the third , but the compensatory stage.

Decompensation - the stage of the disease, when the body can no longer cope with the function as a result of prolonged illness. At this point, the adaptation mechanisms, devices stop working.

De-compensatory stage of the varicose veins the blood flow in the veins of the disturbance is severely deformed. The suffering in consequence of the nutrition of the tissues, they have accumulated liquid, it may be that the wound. The veins are strongly deformed, it is possible serious complications in the form of thrombophlebitis.


In this section the treatment of varicose veins is necessary to carry out urgently, conservative methods have proven ineffective, so patients can be seen in the surgery. Otherwise, the disease begin to endanger life.

There is an international classification of varicose veins, which is different than the above. Experts identify seven stages of the disease, which is marked with the letter C (in Latin class):

  • S0 is the stage where the visible signs of varicose veins don't exist
  • S1 - appearance of spider or reticular veins (small, superficial) veins
  • C2 - become visible under the skin varicose veins with a diameter greater than 3 mm
  • C3 - stage of the varicose veins, which is characterized by permanent swelling
  • S4 - the appearance of skin changes, or venous ulcers
  • C5 - formation of closed venous ulcers
  • S6 - formation, the open venous ulcers

Don't forget: regardless of the classification stage of varicose apply, the treating physician, the treatment is most effective in the early stages.